Sunday, 18 February 2024

Fuq Widnejn Torox u Stejjer Żbukkati Oħra by Rita Saliba


Fuq Widnejn Torox 
u Stejjer Żbukkati Oħra

by Rita Saliba 

“Fuq Widnejn Torox” means “on deaf ears”. It is a metaphorical expression generally used as part of a larger phrase, to signify someone who isn’t literally hard of hearing, but who doesn’t want to hear or understand – the equivalent of the English phrase “falling on deaf ears”. 

“Fuq Widnejn Torox” is also the title of this collection of flash fiction, subtitled “u Stejjer Żbukkati Oħra” (and other outspoken stories).  Its author, Rita Saliba, has made this genre her speciality. Much of what I had said about her collection MittKelma would also apply to this slim volume. Except that on the whole I prefer “Fuq Widnejn Torox”. The unexpected poetry and the twists in the narrative are there, but I thought that the author’s flights of fancy show a more seamless mix of reality and fantasy.  An addictive read.

116 pages, Paperback

January 1, 2018 by Klabb Kotba Maltin

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