Monday, 27 May 2019


Henry Fuseli: Ariadne Watching the Struggle of Theseus with the Minotaur (1815-1820)


A dusk filled nether-land I roam,

torch brandished high against the gloom,

a length of cord to lead me back
outside the Earth's infernal womb.

I dread the moment when I'll meet
the creature that I've come to seek.
Half-man, half-beast
A hideous sight -
ruler of this realm of night.

I lift lead-heavy limbs.
When will it end, this constant downward trudge?
Have I been here for hours or days?
Time itself loses its way
in the shadows of this maze.

My guiding flame is smothered by the fetid air,
puts up a valiant fight
then flickers weakly,
starts to die
in fits of

In the feeble light
of embers still aglow,
a dark mysterious lake no man has seen before
Throat scorched, lips parched, 
I drag myself towards its edge
to slake my thirst.

I face the water's surface, 
still as glass.
staring back at me,
smiling heinously 
the Minotaur I see.

Master of the Campana: Theseus in the Labyrinth (1515-1520)

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