Friday, 19 October 2018

I Love Chopin

“La signora in rosso” Giovanni Boldini (1842-1931)

"I love Chopin,” she says.

Like a stolen kiss,
her fingertips caress
the string of pearl-white keys,
drawing forth a stream of honeyed melody.

“This is no mortal work of art,”
she murmurs, eyes half-closed,
“this is a piece a demigod composed,
as though
its notes were
dancing specks of light
in song-bejewelled air,
summoned down from heaven by his quill.”

“Oh, how I love Chopin,” she sighs.

And suddenly I hate this man
who walked a different land so long ago
yet whispers in her ear still,
quickening her heart.


I’m posting this on the anniversary of Chopin’s death on October 17, 1849.  And how best to mark this, if not with some of his music.  Here’s a young Martha Argerich, setting fire to the score.

And now Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli, elegant even in the mopping of his brow.

Finally, Alice Sara Ott and Olafur Arnalds give the old master and contemporary electronic twist.

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